AngularJS Application Components¶
The shell commands shown here assume use of a Unix-like shell. On Windows, we recommend to install Git for Windows, which includes a bash shell.
AngularJS users should also check out angular-wamp, which provides some integration for AutobahnJS into AngularJS.
Minimal Example¶
The following is a minimalistic example showing how to send and receive events in real-time in AngularJS (JavaScript) running in a browser.
NOTE: this page is a Work In Progress, started out by a beginning AngularJS programmer. If you find any code smell or anti-idiom/pattern, please correct!
1. Create a new node
cd $HOME
mkdir test1
cd test1
crossbar init
2. Create a file ``$HOME/test1/index.html``
cd $HOME/test1
touch index.html
and insert the following contents
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="app.css" rel="stylesheet">
<body ng-app="PubSubAngApp">
<h1>Real-time messaging with and AngularJS</h1>
<div ng-controller="PublishingCtrl" class="controller">
<input type="text" ng-model="model.message" />
<button ng-click="clickMe(model.message)">Publish!</button>
<div id="Receiver" ng-controller="ReceivingCtrl" class="controller">
We received: <span class="received">{{model.message}}</span>
<script src="autobahn.js"></script>
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
3. Create a file ``$HOME/test1/app.js``
cd $HOME/test1
touch app.js
and insert the following contents
var connection = new autobahn.Connection({url: 'ws://', realm: 'realm1'});
var app = angular.module("PubSubAngApp", []);
app.controller("PublishingCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.model = { message: "Hello World" };
$scope.clickMe = function(outgoingMsg) {
if (connection.session) {
connection.session.publish("com.myapp.mytopic1", [outgoingMsg]);
console.log("event published!");
} else {
console.log("cannot publish: no session");
app.controller("ReceivingCtrl", ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.model = { message: "Nothing..." };
$scope.showMe = function(incomingMsg) {
$scope.model.message = incomingMsg;
// "onopen" handler will fire when WAMP session has been established ..
connection.onopen = function (session) {
console.log("session established!");
// our event handler we will subscribe on our topic
function onevent1(args, kwargs) {
console.log("got event:", args, kwargs);
var scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('Receiver')).scope();
scope.$apply(function() {
// subscribe to receive events on a topic ..
session.subscribe('com.myapp.mytopic1', onevent1).then(
function (subscription) {
console.log("ok, subscribed with ID " +;
function (error) {
// "onclose" handler will fire when connection was lost ..
connection.onclose = function (reason, details) {
console.log("connection lost", reason);
// initiate opening of WAMP connection ..;
4. Create a file ``$HOME/test1/app.css``
cd $HOME/test1
touch app.css
and insert the following contents
.received {
font-weight: bold;
.controller {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 10px;
5. Download the .js files
cd $HOME/test1
wget ..../autobahn.js (TBD)
wget .../angular.js (TBD)
6. Start the demo
cd $HOME/test1
crossbar start will log to console while starting:
oberstet@COREI7 ~/test1
$ crossbar start
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Controller 2596] Log opened.
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Controller 2596] ============================== ==============================
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Controller 2596] 0.9.2 node starting
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Controller 2596] Warning, could not set process title (setproctitle not installed)
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Controller 2596] WampWebSocketServerFactory starting on 9000
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Controller 2596] Starting factory <autobahn.twisted.websocket.WampWebSocketServerFactory instance at 0x032B47B0>
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Controller 2596] Worker PID 4752 process connected
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Worker 4752] Log opened.
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Worker 4752] Warning, could not set process title (setproctitle not installed)
2014-04-02 13:46:44+0200 [Worker 4752] Starting from node directory c:\Users\oberstet\test1\.crossbar.
2014-04-02 13:46:45+0200 [Worker 4752] Running on IOCPReactor reactor.
2014-04-02 13:46:45+0200 [Worker 4752] Entering event loop ..
2014-04-02 13:46:45+0200 [Worker 4752] Connected to node router.
2014-04-02 13:46:45+0200 [Worker 4752] Procedures registered.
2014-04-02 13:46:45+0200 [Controller 2596] Worker 4752: CPU affinity is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
2014-04-02 13:46:46+0200 [Controller 2596] Worker 4752: Router started (101)
2014-04-02 13:46:46+0200 [Controller 2596] Worker 4752: Realm started on router 101 (None)
2014-04-02 13:46:46+0200 [Controller 2596] Worker 4752: Transport web/tcp (1) started on router 101
2014-04-02 13:46:46+0200 [Worker 4752] Site starting on 8080
2014-04-02 13:46:46+0200 [Worker 4752] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x034BAC10>
Now open
in your browser in two tabs. In
each browser tab, open the JavaScript console (hit F12) to see logging
messages. Hit the “Publish!” button and watch the event arrive in the
other tab.
Note: By default, an event published will not be sent to the publisher, even if the latter is also subscribed. This behavior can be modified using the