Anonymous Authentication

Anonymous Authentication allows you to explicitly define a role which is assigned to clients which connect without credentials.

By default, Anonymous Authentication is not allowed; you must exmplicitly enable it. Clients can explicitly ask for Anonymous Authentication but note that they will also attempt Anonymous Authentication if there is no authentication configuration at all.

The following is part of a config which allows Anonymous Authentication for a WebSocket endpoint on a Web transport:

"transports": [
      "type": "web",
      "endpoint": {
         "type": "tcp",
         "port": 8080
      "paths": {
         "/": {
            "type": "static",
            "directory": "../web"
         "ws": {
            "type": "websocket",
            "auth": {
               "anonymous": {
                  "type": "static",
                  "role": "public"

Any client using Anonymous Authentication on this endpoint is then assigned the role public.

The permissions for this role are configured just like for any other role.

For a full working example of Anonymous Authentication using static configuration, see Crossbarexamples.

Dynamic authentication

Just as for other authentication methods, you can define a dynamic authenticator component for Anonymous Authentication:

"auth": {
   "anonymous": {
      "type": "dynamic",
      "authenticator": "com.example.authenticate"

Here the authenticator function which is registered for com.example.authenticate is called for each attempted Anonymout Authentication.

For a full working example of Anonymous Authentication using a dynamic authenticator, see Crossbarexamples. For more on dynamic authenticators read this documentation page