Caller Identification¶
Generally, the routed RPCs in WAMP decouple callers and callees. Callers do not have knowledge of callees and vice versa.
Depending on your app design and requirements, it may be useful however for a callee to know the identity of a caller.
In the Config¶
Disclosure of caller identity can be configured as part of the config, e.g.
"roles": [
"name": "anonymous",
"permissions": [
"uri": "",
"match": "prefix",
"allow": {
"call": true,
"register": true,
"publish": true,
"subscribe": true
"disclose": {
"caller": true,
"publisher": true
In the above example, the caller identity for callers which have the
role anonymous
is diclosed to all callees. Limiting this to specific
URIs or URI patterns works just like for other permissions.
We provide a full working example.