The Command Line¶ comes as a command line tool crossbar
which works
identical across all supported platforms.
Quick Reference¶
Here is a quick reference of all commands available in the CLI:
Command |
Description |
crossbar –help |
Get help |
crossbar –help |
Get help on command |
crossbar version |
Print version |
crossbar init |
Initialize a new node from application template |
crossbar start |
Starts a node |
crossbar stop |
Stop a node |
crossbar restart |
Restart a node |
crossbar status |
Check if a node is running |
crossbar convert |
Convert a node from JSON to YAML or vice-versa |
Getting Help¶
To get help, type crossbar --help
(python279_1)oberstet@thinkpad-t430s:~/mynode1$ crossbar --help
usage: crossbar [-h] [--reactor {select,poll,epoll,kqueue,iocp}]
... - Polyglot application router -
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--reactor {select,poll,epoll,kqueue,iocp}
Explicit Twisted reactor selection
{version,init,templates,start,stop,restart,status,check,convert} command to run
version Print software versions.
init Initialize a new node.
templates List templates available for initializing a new node.
start Start a node.
stop Stop a node.
restart Restart a node.
status Checks whether a node is running.
check Check a node`s local configuration file.
convert Convert a node`s local configuration file
from JSON to YAML or vice versa.
The crossbar
tool has multiple subcommands, and you can get help on
those also, e.g. crossbar init --help
(python279_1)oberstet@thinkpad-t430s:~/mynode1$ crossbar init --help
usage: crossbar init [-h] [--template TEMPLATE] [--appdir APPDIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--template TEMPLATE Template for initialization
--appdir APPDIR Application base directory where to create app and node
from template.
Initializing a Node¶ runs from a node directory. The node directory, usually
, contains a node configuration file
and other data such as log files. It is for
internal use, and you should not add or modify files other than the
You can initialize a new node by doing:
(python279_1)oberstet@thinkpad-t430s:~/mynode1$ crossbar init --template default
Initializing application template 'default' in directory '/home/oberstet/mynode1'
Using template from '/home/oberstet/python279_1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/crossbar-0.11.0-py2.7.egg/crossbar/templates/default'
Creating directory /home/oberstet/mynode1/.crossbar
Creating file /home/oberstet/mynode1/.crossbar/config.json
Application template initialized
To start your node, run 'crossbar start --cbdir /home/oberstet/mynode1/.crossbar'
In this example, /home/oberstet/mynode/.crossbar
is the
node directory.
The initialization above was done using the default template. Node templates are a quick and easy way of creating a new node. There are additional templates besides the basic default one. Some of these create working sample application for a specific language.
You can list the available templates by running crossbar templates
(python279_1)oberstet@thinkpad-t430s:~/mynode1$ crossbar templates
Available node templates:
default A WAMP router speaking WebSocket plus a static Web server.
hello:python A minimal Python WAMP application hosted in a router and a HTML5 client.
hello:nodejs A minimal NodeJS WAMP application hosted in a router and a HTML5 client.
hello:browser A minimal JavaAScript WAMP application with two components running in the browser.
hello:cpp A minimal C++11/AutobahnCpp WAMP application hosted in a router and a HTML5 client.
hello:csharp A minimal C#/WampSharp WAMP application hosted in a router and a HTML5 client.
hello:erlang A minimal Erlang/Erwa WAMP application hosted in a router and a HTML5 client.
hello:php A minimal PHP/Thruway WAMP application hosted in a router and a HTML5 client.
hello:java A minimal Java/jawampa WAMP application hosted in a router and a HTML5 client.
hello:tessel A minimal JavaScript/wamp-tessel WAMP application running on a Tessel and with a HTML5 client.
Starting and Stopping a Node¶
To start your node:
(python279_1)oberstet@thinkpad-t430s:~/mynode1$ crossbar start
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] / `|__)/ \/__`/__`|__) /\ |__) |/ \
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] \__,| \\__/.__/.__/|__)/~~\| \. |\__/
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187]
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] Version: 0.11.0
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187]
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] Starting from node directory /home/oberstet/mynode1/.crossbar
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] Loading node configuration file '/home/oberstet/mynode1/.crossbar/config.json'
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] Entering reactor event loop...
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] Joined realm 'crossbar' on node management router
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] No WAMPlets detected in enviroment.
2015-08-30T19:25:45+0200 [Controller 9187] Starting Router with ID 'worker1'...
2015-08-30T19:25:46+0200 [Router 9192] Worker running under CPython-EPollReactor
2015-08-30T19:25:46+0200 [Controller 9187] Router with ID 'worker1' and PID 9192 started
2015-08-30T19:25:46+0200 [Controller 9187] Router 'worker1': realm 'realm1' (named 'realm1') started
2015-08-30T19:25:46+0200 [Controller 9187] Router 'worker1': role 'role1' (named 'anonymous') started on realm 'realm1'
2015-08-30T19:25:46+0200 [Router 9192] Site starting on 8080
2015-08-30T19:25:46+0200 [Controller 9187] Router 'worker1': transport 'transport1' started
In this case, has automatically detected the node directory
by its canonical name .crossbar
and used the configuration
You can set a different node directory via the command line option
or via an environment variable CROSSBAR_DIR
Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser. You should see a custom 404 page rendered by Which means: it works!
To stop your node, just hit CTRL-C:
^C2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] Received SIGINT, shutting down.
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] sending TERM to subprocess 9192
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] waiting for 9192 to exit...
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Router 9192] Received SIGTERM, shutting down.
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Router 9192] Connection to node controller lost.
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Router 9192] Lost connection to '<pipe>': Connection lost
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Router 9192] No more controller connection; shutting down.
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Router 9192] (TCP Port 8080 Closed)
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] Process connection gone: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] Lost connection to 'process 9192': process ended with exit code 1
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] Node worker worker1 ended (0 workers left)
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] Node shutting down ..
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] Shutting down node...
2015-08-30T19:27:11+0200 [Controller 9187] Main loop terminated.