Ticket Authentication

WAMP-Ticket Authentication is a simple cleartext challenge scheme. A client connects to a realm under some authid and requests the authentication method. Crossbar will “challenge” the client, asking for a ticket. The client sends the ticket, and Crossbar.io then checks its validity.

If you want cookies to be invalidated, pass wamp.close.logout when calling .leave() on your session

There are two possibilities for the checking:

  • static, where the ticket is stored in the Crossbar.io configuration

  • dynamic, where an authenticator component is called which determines This


Static WAMP-Ticket is set by configuring a respective auth attribute on the transport:

"auth": {
    "ticket": {
        "type": "static",
        "principals": {
            "joe": {
                "ticket": "secret!!!",
                "role": "frontend"

The required principals dictionary maps the authid provided by the client to the secret being shared (ticket) and the authrole which is assigned to the client after successful authentication.






A dictionary of names mapping to values being dictionaries as below.

Each principal has this associated dictionary:




Arbitrary text value for authenticating ticket (required).


authrole a client using this ticket will be authenticated under.

You can use environment variables to hold the secret if you do not want to add this directly to the config.

"principals": {
    "joe": {
        "ticket": "${MYTICKET}",
        "role": "frontend"

Here you need to set the environment variable MYTICKET before starting Crossbar.io.

We provide a full working example for WAMP-Ticket authentication with static configuration.


With dynamic authentication, you provide the URI of an authenticator componenet which is called on each registration attempt.

"auth": {
      "ticket": {
         "type": "dynamic",
         "authenticator": "com.example.authenticate"

The authid and ticket provided by the client attempting to authenticate are provided to this component as part of a larger set of data, which also includes information about the transport.






URI of custom authenticator to call.

We provide a full working example for WAMP-Ticket authentication with dynamic authentication.

For more on dynamic authenticators read this documentation page

TOTP authentication

TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password algorithm) is a method where one-time passwords are generated by the party attempting to authenticate and the authenticating party based on a shared secret. Each password is only valid for a limited time window.

TOTP as specified in IETF RFC6238 is used by various services such as Google and GitHub as a possible 2nd factor in authentication (e.g. with the Google Authenticator app).

Since this is nothing more than a ticket-based authentication with generated instead of stored tickets, WAMP-Ticket can be used to implement this.

We provide a full working example for this.