:orphan: Crossbar.io Documentation License ================================= Copyright for the Crossbar.io documentation (C) Crossbar.io Technologies GmbH. Licensed under the Creative Commons `CC-BY-SA 4.0 license `__. "WAMP" and "Crossbar.io" are trademarks of Crossbar.io Technologies GmbH. This license allows you to use the material in this documentation, whole or in parts, in its present form or adapted, and for any purpose (including commercial use), as long as you - attribute the material to us giving the information provided below and - share the material under this same license For more details (and the legally binding conditions) see the `Creative Commons license page `__ for this license. Attribution details: (c) by Crossbar.io Technologies GmbH, material licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0, provided as-is without any warranties, `Crossbar.io documentation wiki `__ Note to Contributors to this documentation ------------------------------------------ By contributing, you accept that the above license applies to your contribution.